Today I'm thankful for...

A warm home, and a comfy bed

Best friends

Best friends

Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Music

During the month of December, well...really anytime the week of Thanksgiving and after, I constantly listen to Christmas music.  I LOVE the sounds of the old crooners, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Perry can you have Christmas without them??!  It's always in the background of our home during the season. 

As a mother of four young children, I sometimes laugh at the comical background music Christmas music makes. For example, as I hurriedly am trying to make dinner and I have Shake n Bake glued to my fingers, and the phone is ringing, and two of the kids are making laps around the kitchen island, one yelling at the other to "Give it back!" and the other squealing with a humor mixed with fear, and the other two kids are wrestling RIGHT next to the Christmas tree, which they once and awhile will get ever so closely to tipping it completely over...(you get the picture)....and in the background you can hear Nat King Cole singing..."All is calm!  All is bright....Holy infant, so tender and mild."  It just makes me laugh. 


1 comment:

  1. I totaly agree with you about the christmas mood. It all depends not only on atmosphere, but also on music you choose. Sometimes I like to listen something like to make a special atmosphere.
