Today I'm thankful for...

A warm home, and a comfy bed

Best friends

Best friends

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Time

Why is it that I forget I can make hard boiled eggs anytime of year, and not just at Easter?  I love hard boiled eggs, and all the good stuff you can make with them, and yet I don't hardly make them at all throughout the year.  Then, the week before Easter, I literally boil up 4-5 dozen!  AND eat them within a three week period of time.  (Probably not the healthiest thing.)  I was also reminded that I obviously don't make hard boiled eggs enough when I handed on to my little girl today for lunch and she said, "WOW!  It's like an egg bouncy ball! Where did you buy that?"  I laughed and told her I didn't buy it.  I made it, which then she was REALLY impressed.  Ha ha

I truly love this time of year.  There is something about Spring that reminds us of new beginnings and new hope and a bright future.  It's almost like new life not only comes to the earth but to us as well.  We as a family have been studying the life of Jesus Christ for the past week in preparation for Easter.  His life and what he did for each of us is truly the greatest gift and the greatest event in the history of time or eternity.  I am so grateful for my Savior. I know He lived then, and that he lives today.  And not as some "power" that we can't relate to or see or touch.  I know he is a real person, like us and he loves us and wants us to come unto him so he can help us bear our burdens and our pains and sorrows.  What an unspeakable gift, the gift Jesus Christ has given us all freely!  May we all be more willing to let him in to our lives and hearts.


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