Today I'm thankful for...

A warm home, and a comfy bed

Best friends

Best friends

Friday, May 16, 2014

This is My Life

At random times it hits me that the life I'm living every day is MY life and I just have to smile because it's really an awesome one, one that I feel is just what I "ordered".  Today it "hit me" as I was sitting on a park bench with my oldest son who turns 9 this week.  We were just talking while we watched the younger siblings play.  As we just sat there talking about nothing too exciting or important, I put my arm around him and gave him a squeeze and said, "I love this, just being with you."  I am so grateful for my kids.  They are my world and have challenged and change me into who I am today, (and who I still am YET to become).  I feel so much more complete because of them.  Another realization I'm coming to is it hasn't been from piano lessons, or art classes or karate, or soccer or reading "how to mommy" books that has made my kids the awesome kids they are, or that have made me the mom I am.  It's been from just spending time together, listening, talking, cuddling, laughing....I'm so grateful I have those moments to cherish, that those moments haven't been missed because we were rushing off to the next activity that is going to "shape my child".  My kids are already pretty fantastic.  It's such a privilege to just get to know who they are already by just simply being with them.  Yep!  I'm pretty lucky.

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